How to be a Mindful Shopper

Buy less. Choose well. Make it last.

- Vivienne Westwood

Strategize before spending

By creating a plan, you will less easily become overwhelmed or influenced by the products you are seeing in marketing emails.

Be honest

Do you actually have the funds to be able to spend on items? Take a look at your overall non-negotiable expenses such as your rent, utilities and any bills and see what is left over and work within those boundaries.

Compare prices

Have you done your research? Taking a few moments can show you that you might not need the item after all or that there may be an opportunity to purchase it for a better price.

Shop local

Supporting a local business in your neighborhood is one way to become a mindful shopper. You work hard for your money so why not support someone who truly appreciates it.

Have a strategy

Know your budget

Shop small

 Mindful Shopping Tips

Compare prices

Read more about how to become a more mindful shopper