It's not what you are that holds you back. It's what you think you are not.

According to psychologist, Dr. Pauline Rose Clance, imposter syndrome is "an experience of feeling incompetent and of having deceived others about one’s abilities."

What is imposter syndrome?

You are more likely to experience imposter syndrome if you are a woman or person of color

This is due to the societal and family beliefs that are placed upon these identity groups.


Create an “I DID THIS” list based on all of your accomplishments so you can remind yourself of what is true - and what isn't.

Focus on your strengths

Talk to those you deem successful and you will find that they also feel this. It can feel freeing when you recognize this!

You are not alone

Show yourself care

It’s important to not neglect yourself during times of distress. What can you do in those situations to give yourself more care and compassion?

Read more about how to overcome imposter syndrome