Become a Contributor

It is at The Dimple Life editorial team’s discretion to modify or remove content as needed to ensure high quality and accuracy of all content associated with this site. Please review our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions prior to submission.

To become a contributor and have your work published, please follow the below instructions.

We welcome diverse voices rooted in compassion and kindness. All contributors must align with The Dimple Life values.

How-To Guide

Welcome! To begin contributing your story, knowledge, and insights, please create a new account by clicking on the user icon in the navigation bar and following the prompts to register. 

Step 1: Create an account

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After you've successfully signed up, log into your account and click on dashboard in the admin bar to access the editor.

Step 2: Log into account

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In the dashboard, head over to the Profile tab and locate the "About Yourself" section. Write a short bio and upload a profile photo (ideally square/1:1 in ratio) to complete your contributor profile.

Step 3: Complete your user profile

Step 3: Complete user profile

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Hover over “Posts” and select “Add New” in order to begin a new post. Note, to view all of your submissions and drafts you may select “All Posts”.

Step 4: Add a new post

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Click within the “Add title” field and write your headline. Your headline should be approximately 8-12 words and should contain main keywords your story is about.

Step 5: Create a title

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It is recommended your story is a minimum of 300 words - luckily there is a word count at the end of the text box so you can keep track! 

Step 6: Write your story

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On the right sidebar, locate and select “Set featured image” to upload a featured image for your post. This is the main image that will appear at the top of the post  and on blog pages displaying your post.

Step 7: Upload a featured image

Step 7: Upload featured image

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In the right column of your view, there is a Publish box where you may select “Submit for Review”. The Dimple Life editors will be notified of your submission and will take it from there! Note, if you would like to make adjustments to a story that has already been submitted, you may make your edits within the post where you see fit and select “Submit for Review” again.

Step 8: Submit your content

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Frequently Asked Questions

This is an online resource rooted in wellness and personal stories. Please share and explore areas surrounding all aspects of wellness and if you feel called to, we would love to be an outlet for you to share your personal journeys as you’ve navigated through life.

After you submit your content, it will be reviewed by the editorial team and will be published within 7 business days.

The key ingredient is to tell your story and share your knowledge. With that being said, we find that typically a minimum of 300 words up to 600 words is optimal.

Accuracy is incredibly important to the quality of this site, and so is the searchability. We want your work to be seen by search engines! There may be modifications to headlines and grammar for optimal visibility.

If you have a contributor account with The Dimple Life, you can log in and edit your profile here

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