This post is sponsored by MegaFood®. All opinions stated are my own.
“Inflammation” seems to be the buzzword these days when it comes to our health and well-being. It’s with good reason, with so many people realizing they have food sensitivities and other gut-related health issues, maintaining healthy inflammation in the gut is super important! I try to do what I can by eating the right foods and supplementing my body in the right ways with gut-healing probiotics.
I’m partnering up with MegaFood® to share with you a few key foods that can support a normal, healthy inflammation response and also help support a strong immune system.* The majority of our immune system after all is in our gut! My gut-health routine includes:
This is such an awesome option for anyone needing a grain-like food to their meal. It’s not technically a grain (it’s actually a seed) but it’s often times found in grain bowls or can be used as a substitute for rice. This is also a really good alternative for anyone who has a gluten sensitivity.
Blueberries and strawberries are high in antioxidants and fight inflammation. It’s such an easy treat to have where you could add it into a fruit smoothie or even just have it plain as an after meal sweet treat.
Chia seeds
These seeds, like quinoa, are also gluten-free so it’s perfect for anyone with a sensitive gut. Chia seeds also contain healthy omega-3s which also alleviate inflammation.
The active component within turmeric is curcumin which has been widely studied to support healthy inflammation response.* I take a supplement but whenever possible I love adding turmeric to my food. It’s an easy addition into a turmeric almond milk latte or smoothie, or even to add some flavor to my roasted veggies or baked salmon.
[Modula id=’18’]Megafood Digestive Health* Shelf-Stable Probiotics
I have been taking probiotics for years and was always under the impression that they always had to be refrigerated; however, that is a myth. Some do, but others don’t, depending on the strains of probiotics used. MegaFood has formulated probiotics that are shelf stable so you can easily remember to take them each day, without having to go to the fridge. The capsules they created are acid-resistant which can help protect the strains from degradation in our stomach, so that they reach our intestine which is where we want the maximum benefits to occur.*
Also, as I have been learning more and more about MegaFood, I absolutely love that they are the first supplement brand to have its entire line certified Glyphosate Residue Free by The Detox Project, which is an independent research organization dedicated to bringing awareness to the public by testing consumer goods and food products for toxic chemicals. If you aren’t familiar with what glyphosate is, you aren’t the only one. This was my first hearing about it but I’m so glad I did! Glyphosate is the number one herbicide used in the world and has been classified by the World Health Organization as “probably carcinogenic in humans.” No thank you! Farmers often times use glyphosate to allow food to be harvested quickly but this just increases the likelihood that consumers are directly exposed to pesticides.
If you would like to help spread awareness of this public petition to ban glyphosate, that MegaFood is leading, you can sign here!
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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