Mara Soo is a remote worker who recently left North Carolina to embark on worldly adventures with the rest of the company’s team. The UCapture team typically lives in a different country every couple of months or so, finding plenty of work and fun wherever they are. She plans on returning to Denver, Colorado with her pets in the near future, and finding a balance between home and extended travel.
What was your last regular job?
I was previously a zookeeper at a nature center! I spent my days playing with mountain lions, bears, elk, otters, bald eagles, owls, possums, and snakes. Currently, I work with UCapture, a green-tech platform that combats climate change.
Where have you traveled?
My travels have only begun! I’ve hopped around the US quite a bit, but Buenos Aires, Argentina was my first stop outside the states. I’m now in Spain, where I spent a few days in Madrid and will be living in Valencia for a month.
What made you want to pursue a nomadic lifestyle?
I never thought about a nomadic life until I met the Founder of the company I work with now, UCapture. UCapture has opportunities all over the world as a climate change platform, and I’m beginning to see the adventure in following them with the team!
How do you currently support yourself?
I work full time, anywhere there’s WiFi!
Do you have any online training courses that you recommend?
Yes! edX is amazing. You can participate in full university courses online for free, from startup operations to storytelling. The MasterClass is a subscription where you learn from a series of videos of experts in different fields. From Gordon Ramsay and Christina Aguilera, Jane Goodall, to Chris Voss and Bob Iger!
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
I wish I had pushed harder to seek discomfort. Growth, achievement and even comfort come from basking in discomfort. Working remotely, learning new skills, adjusting to different environments, now traveling… it’s all better when you go a little farther than you think you’re ready to. I think we should be living in discomfort so that we can look back at what used to make us uncomfortable and scoff.
What are the hardest things you find about working remotely?
The hardest things about working remotely:
- Finding a reliable WiFi signal
- Staying in close communication with others you work with
- Coordinating between time zones
- Finding new workspaces. I like to move around a lot, even throughout one day!
- Overstaying your welcome at coffee shops
How do you envision your life in 5 years?
In 5 years, I envision having found a balance between travel and home. I have dogs and a python I need to take care of, so I’m moving my home base to Denver, Colorado. I’d like to establish a way to have some time in Denver, and be able to travel pretty frequently as well! I’m able to travel for so long right now because of many good friends in North Carolina who are taking care of them for me.
What are your estimated monthly expenses?
While traveling (no rent) my monthly bills come to $875, but if I wasn’t keeping a car at home and didn’t have my many pets, it’d be closer to $400. I do pay some rent wherever I am, though!
Housing: $500
Food and drinks: $350
Activities: $20
Transport: $0
Misc: Student loans, Spotify, Audible, tax savings
Interested in learning more? You can reach out to Mara via her Instagram or LinkedIn.

Kaitlin is a travel writer and marketing consultant. On any given day, you can find her surfing, reading, and/or on the eternal search for the cutest cafes (with tons of power sockets, of course).
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